Monday, December 24, 2007

Tis the night before Christmas.........

And our little helpers put their final touches on the tree............Cinco has asked Santa to bring Spider Man, and he said Maddi wants a pink Jeep..............To everyone, have a safe and happy Holiday (on a side note...Bolts going down tonight).........

Singing Machine

Our little man mad his debut in the singing world. His class performed various songs for he Holidays.............

Daddies Lil Helper

We hosted a party recently, and Cinco decided he wanted to help cut tomato's and onions with Dad........He said his eye's burned, thus the goggles................

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Trip to the Dentist

I had some cousins in town, and got into it with Tim & Gabe, whacked my front tooth. Dad had to take me to the Dentist...........